Monday, May 25, 2009

Where have I been this past month?

I don't know why but these past couple of years, May has been one of the bussiest months for us. The first week of May was spent getting my students ready to take their Gateway Test (otherwise known as the EOC test). All of my students but one passed so I'm pleased. After that first full week things really started getting busy. First of all....

My youngest sister, Elisabeth, graduated from West Georgia on May 9. She is an English major with a minor in Secondary Education. She is currently looking for a job in a middle school or high school. We are so proud of Aunt Elisabeth!! Here's some more pics from her graduation.

Jessica, Elisabeth and me. Meredith had to work the night shift the night before so she didn't make it to the graduation. We wanted to make the sister pic "official" though, so we made a sign for her. lol!

Elisabeth with Mom and Dad

Elisabeth and her boyfriend Kevin

Darin and me at Elisabeth's graduation party.

Here's the original "Lovelace" family. :)

Track has also kept me busy. My girls did really well this year. Here's two of them before their race a few weeks ago.

Morgan and Whitney

Whitney actually qualified for the State meet this year in the 400 meter race, and she's only a junior. She did great and finished with her best time yet! Way to go Whit!! I'm so proud of you.

Here's a few more pics from the state meet. The first is the "other" track coaches that I try to keep in's a tough job!! :)

Icelyn and Whitney before running. Icelyn actually qualified for state in 4 different events!! She's already signed to play basketball at MTSU next year.

Then there's baseball season. Austin is loving baseball this season. He's playing catcher and 3rd base and is getting really good at both! Here's a pic of him catching.

We all enjoy going to the games, although it can make for a really late night! Here's some pics from a recent game. Jeremy got a hold of my camera and took some extra shots for me too!

Jessica and Jackson

Erin and Jeremy

And then there's this gal

Perhaps the biggest thing that's happened this month is....

AUSTIN TURNED 11!!! Happy Birthday Austin. We love you!

I wanted to end this blog with a "only in Tennessee would you ever see this" picture. These were taken on the way back from a track meet by Whitney and Morgan. Can you believe this car?!?!

I'm sure the girls weren't obvious AT ALL while taking those pictures...YEAH RIGHT!! :)

May has been fun but busy and our summer is shaping up to be just as busy. We've got a trip planned to Gatlinburg and Atlanta during the 7 weeks we have off. I'll try to post a little more often throughout the summer!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That car is *too* much. I am laughing. It makes me wish I always had my camera ready for things like that...

Happy you had such a great year!! Enjoy your summer break, Kate!