Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So Thankful...

So here it is, the day before Thanksgiving. I have had the day off and have been so productive. This morning I had a long overdue eye dr. appointment. Let's get one thing straight. I really HATE going to any type of doctor. However, these past few months I decided that it was time I went and got caught up on all of my appointments. So, this morning was the last of the doctors visit at least for this year (hopefully...). My appointment was at 9 so I got there about 8:50. I signed in and sat down with a lobby full of people. I figured it might be busy with everyone trying to get in before the holiday and with so many people taking today off of work. Around 9:30, I noticed the woman beside me getting really irritated. I asked her what time her appointment was scheduled for and she replied "8:30 and I don't have time to sit in this waiting room all day!!" Wow...all I asked for was the time. She was really upset and to be fair, she did mention that she had to go back to work after her appointment. I could tell that she really didn't want to make small talk with me so I got back to reading my magazine. I felt sorry for the nurse that finally called her back.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason after my (very) small chat with this woman, I started to think about all the reasons for me to NOT get upset for having to wait an hour before going back to be seen. Think about all of the people out there who would love to sit in a waiting room for hours just to be seen by a doctor. I can't even fathom not being able to just wake up and call the dr if I need to. So, I waited my 45 minutes to get in and didn't complain. Hey...could have been worse!

This Thanksgiving will be different for me because it is the first Thanksgiving that Darin and I will be sharing as a married couple and I must admit that the holiday has brought on more stress than I thought it would. With my family being in GA and his family here, we've had to compromise where we would be this year. Last year Darin and I spent the holiday in GA with my family so this year we're spending it here. The stress of the holiday has been brought on by my own selfishness. I still want to wake up every Thanksgiving in my old room at my parents house. There's something about waking up in that room and going downstairs to enjoy a cup of coffee and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with my mom. I will miss that tradition this year, but I'm hoping it resumes next year. Even though I won't be with my family in GA this year, I will be with my NEW family. How exciting! We are very fortunate to live close to all of Darin's family and will enjoy spending the day with them.

All is not lost in my quest to get to GA. I'm going down on Friday to spend some time with my family and to celebrate Jillian's 4th birthday. How fun!!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. What a special time of year to reflect on everything that we've been given. I am so thankful for so many family, friends, my job and health just to name a few. Above all, I am so thankful for my salvation and for God's grace. How thankful I am to be His child.

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

Oh, how I can sympathize with the holiday stress around has been a big issue for us. I'm like you--I don't want anything to change--I like doing it like I always have. And there is a lot of pressure from family to do what they want you to do. Ugh!

But you are right--there's a lot to be thankful for--and new family is one of those things.

Hope you guys are doing well!